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ETL to QE, Update 21, There are Correct Moves

Date: 2024-01-11

More Updates and Theory of Mind

I am stuck in some sort of cognitive trap. The Planning Fallacy, Analysis Paralysis, and not being able to focus on and measure what is important has got me down bad. Well maybe if we can reflect our focus from pointing inside to pointing outside.

Greatness is Other People is a phrase I am trying to spiritually understand. The reason most people do things is other people. I find that I think differently I pretend I am talking to an audience, like right now, verses spending time by myself. I also don't produce video demo's of what I am building, or do stand up meeting into a recording camera because it makes me too self conscious. But what is that self conscious feeling was a tool I can leverage to become who I am. Many people do not know who they are, instead becoming attached to some story they tell themselves, but there was likely a point in their past when they had the idea of who they were and did not follow through on it.

I need to practice talking out loud

I need to start doing video project updates if I want this project to be real. I need to be able to do those "Explain this at 5 different levels" videos that Wired does. I need to have dozens videos of me explaining the same idea then sort them using Question Engine - QE.

But what am I supposed to talk about. It doesn't have to be difficult. What is Dentropy Daemon?, What is a Daemon?, What is context?, What is wrong with social media today?, What was social media supposed to be?, How do I want to be prompted by others?, What is your plan?, What are your goals?, What are your values?

Also do Video Tutorials for Tutorials and Learning Pathways.

Agreement 4, Try Your Best

There is always a correct move to play. Whenever you decide to work against yourself, be is masturbating, eating bad food, or not going to the gym, you are playing the incorrect move. When you actively play the incorrect move you are not trying your best. Your higher self in hiding in your subconscious whispering it's intentions, it is up to you to converse with it to make your own dreams come true. Learn from your mistakes, set goal posts, describe your values, audit your relationships, strive for greatness, become someone you yourself can respect.

Stop Reacting and Create a Real Plan

I wake up every day without a plan, this fact is true and frankly embarrassing. I remember using the phrase "Negotiate with the Future" in dentLog 006 What makes us Human. Ya my skill for that have not gotten much better over the last year and a bit.

Last night I put all my files in Obsidian with the title "Backlog" in it inside a single folder. I got 28 files, 28 functionally infinite TODO list. My Decision Sieve idea is still not an idea, it is not even a set of questions I can use to prompt myself.

Next Steps

  1. I need to publish the key user journeys that inspire me.
  2. Produce video reviews of each product I got so far,
    1. dentropys-obsidian-publisher
    2. Keybase Binding
    3. Discord Binding
    4. Question Engine - QE
  3. Make a plan with milestones and a timeline, post them in update, then follow that up with another update
  4. Research Grant Programs and Incubators