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Chapter 4: Psychology

Three Quotes:

psychology, neurobiology, pharmacology, and technology; call them the “Four Forces of Ecstasis”

Gospel of STER. His core argument is that through the experience of selflessness, timelessness, and effortlessness—his so-called “Power of Now”—we can dwell in a place of unlimited richness.

CEO of OneTaste and our host for the weekend, escorted us to our chairs in the front row of a packed auditorium, ascended the stage, dropped her pants, and lay back on a massage table.


There is a paradime shifting event happening with the public's perception of altered states of consciousness. Sexual Taboos has radically transformed from people playing caricatures int he 50's to the mainstreaming of BDSM through 50 Shades of Gray best selling book in recent memory. A single peak experience triggered by use of drugs such as MDMA of Psilocybin can make a meaningful difference in the life of PTSD and terminal injury instances. Peak experiences are the single biggest factor for someone of middle age experiencing Self-Authoring verses Self-Transforming. Altered Traits can lead to altered traits.