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Random Questions for Discord Data

Brainstorming Random Questions

  1. How many users messaged in discord guild
  2. How many roles exist in discord guild
  3. What is the distribution of each role within the discord guild
  4. What are the rarest roles within the discord guild
  5. Who has the most roles within the Discord Guild
  6. How many messages per time period per time period, for example messages per day for October 2022
  7. How many messages per
  8. Who sent the first message on the Discord Guild
  9. Is the person who sent the first message on the Discord Guild still active?
  10. How many different bots are in the Discord Guild
  11. Is food or eating ever mentioned in the Discord Guild
  12. Is sleeping or napping ever mentioned in the Discord Guild
  13. What programming languages are mentioned in the Discord Guild
  14. What distinct names are mentioned in the discord guild
  15. What media, books, movies, and music are mentioned in the Discord Guild
  16. How many URL's are posted within the discord guild
  17. What domain names are posted within the discord guild
  18. What is the popularity of each domain name within the discord guild
  19. Do different channels have a bias for what domain they post URL's from
  20. What percentage of messages from a user have a URL
  21. What message has the most URLs
  22. What user posted the most URLs
  23. What user swears the most
  24. What channel has the most swear words
  25. Who has the most varied vocabulary
  26. Replies to a link
  27. Just posts a URL without context