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Things to ask LLMs to create a SQL Schema for

  1. Human Soul
  2. The Self
  3. Archetypal Narratives
  4. Heroes Journey
  5. Mental Illness
  6. Personality Types
  7. Personality Interactions
  8. The Events that make up people's lives
  9. A generalized state of Games
  10. Model the personas that engage in flirting and courtship
  11. The events of a sexual encounter
  12. The phases a human goes through as they mature
  13. The lifecycle of one's ego
  14. The development of one's ego
  15. The Product Development lifecycle
  16. The Technology Hype Cycle
  17. The events that take place in the biosphere
  18. Different types of love
  19. The shape of human desire
  20. Types of human conflict
  21. Things that happen within the unconscious mind
  22. Things that happen within the collective unconscious
  23. Defining characteristics of the sociological imagination
  24. Human characteristics that are easy to detect and judge
  25. Priorities that people have in their life
  26. How people engage in online communities
  27. How corporate entities engage with one another
  28. Events from history
  29. Events generated by a web browser such as Google Chrome
  30. Supply Chain
  31. Network Firewall
  32. The characteristics of a painting
  33. The characteristics of an image
  34. Types of trees, fish, mammals, cells etc. etc.
  35. The events that take place in a movies
  36. Music
  37. The contents of a book
  38. The contents of an academic paper
  39. The information of a corporations data lake
  40. Human Values
  41. Things that inspire people
  42. Diseases, their characteristics, and how they relate to one another
  43. Genes
  44. The contents of music
  45. The types and characteristics of social media
  46. The types of pain people can experience
  47. What constitutes art
  48. The different features and characteristics of technology products
  49. The different features and characteristics of house cleaning products
  50. The different features and characteristics of automotive products
  51. The different features and characteristics of home improvement and repair products
  52. Types and characteristics of clothing
  53. What matters most in the world
  54. Physiognomy
  55. Humans, their characteristics, psychological profile, and the types of relationships they have
  56. For how people identify what is important
  57. For how people make decisions
  58. For how people identify what is important and make decisions
  59. The ontology of discrimination
  60. The concept of Sexism
  61. The concept of Racism
  62. CRM Database
  63. Ticket Management System like Jira
  64. File system version control like git
  65. The contents of a blockchain
  66. Documents and annotations done to them by individuals
  67. Marketing Leads
  68. Information needed to make decisions
  69. The instructions a military commander will give their troops
  70. The events of a Stand Up Meeting
  71. The events of a dinner party
  72. The events of a sports game
  73. The events in the creation of a startup company
  74. The interactions between a mentor and apprentice
  75. The interactions between a master and journeyman
  76. The Taxonomy(Ontology) of human belief systems
  77. Taxonomy of religions
  78. Taxonomy of personality types
  79. Taxonomy of personal legends
  80. Taxonomy of spiritual experiences
  81. Taxonomy of contradictions
  82. The development of science
  83. The development of science across all disciplines
  84. What is taught in school
  85. A taxonomy of LLMs
  86. The shapes of human society can take
  87. The reasons humans respect one another
  88. Geo spacial coordinates of people, places, and things
  89. The thoughts of God
  90. The thoughts, feelings, and emotions of an Egregore
  91. Ones relationships with other people and what they know about them
  92. The goals of individuals and how they can be aligned to work collectively
  93. The flow of information within a privacy centrist, secret managing, organization like the department of defense
    1. Illuminati
  94. Requirements for nuclear deterrence
  95. The threats of AI
  96. Opportunities and regrets in ones life
  97. Separate institutions, their departments, their goals, and the people that make them up
  98. "Government"
  99. Persona Management
  100. The lies people tell one another and their dependencies
  101. Theory of Mind
  102. Objects and the things they can be used to accomplish
  103. Events of human history
  104. Family Trees
  105. Geopolitics
  106. Regime of Attention
  107. Sense Making Apparatus
  108. Fetishes
  109. Executive Dysfunction
  110. Groceries
  111. Products and their use cases
  112. The Characteristics of Idols
  113. Model for making decisions
  114. Deconstructing Idols