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TODO Read Neon Genesis Evangelion Instrumentality / WMG - TV Tropes

#ELI5 Human Instrumentality

Humans are all unique creatures trying to survive in the same environment. We are all one collective soul having separate experiences. What if we destroyed the fields that separate us and had one soul having all the experiences? What if we enhanced the fields that separated us making us more individualistic? Both these extreme's are are like the low and high notes on a piano. How do we want to play the instrument that is the human species?


Remember how I had that feeling that my ActivityWatch logs sorta look like Music.


  • "SEELE strive to accomplish the Human Instrumentality Project - the goal of uniting the human race as one, thus ending all the wars and individual struggles of mankind."
  • SEELE | Evangelion | Fandom
  • AT Fields are like Morphic fields
