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Chapter 8: Catch a Fire

The four forces are, selflessness, timelessness, effortlessness, and richness of STER.

Burning man is its own religion. The cult of this religion is shaping the world in ways we do not even know. Burning man and psychedelic fueled parties are a key part of silicon valley culture. Burning man has lead to meaningful change in the world. Basically the entire chapter is about how the cult of altered states is going main stream. People at burning man do not have the barriers of information asymmetry we choose to obey in our normal lives. Mentioned Peter Thiel's Stead Sea-steading efforts.

Crossing the Chasm, Geoffrey Moore outlined exactly how new ideas gain traction. At first, when breakthroughs happen, only those people willing to tolerate the risk and uncertainty of a novel technology get on board, a trade they’ll make for the benefits of being “early adopters.” Then there’s a gap, what Moore called “the chasm,” that any idea has to cross to attract a growing audience. It’s attracting that “early majority” on the far side of the chasm that he feels is the true mark of disruptive innovation.

At Harvard, professor Tal Ben Shahar’s42 course on happiness is the most popular in the university’s history